success quotes in Hindi
Is success and failure both a game of luck?
I give practical answers rather than theoretical ones. I believe you will get 100% satisfaction after reading and trying this. And you will be able to know from your own experience what the truth is.
Order you a book from somewhere that contains biographies of great people. If you are not able to do this, then find the biography of some great people right on the internet and read it. Summary reading will also work. But I would advise you to read about them in detail. It won’t take you much time. Rather, you will be able to read biographies of many people in just a few weeks. The purpose behind doing all this is that you yourself can learn what is the role of luck in success and failure.
The important point is that this is a philosophy of life that, if not clear, guarantees failure.
reality of life
Take up and read the biography of any great person. You will find that success and failure were the same in his life. Those who have reached the pinnacle of success in their life, once their life was in a trough. Those who are today the glorious sun of success were once lost in the darkness of failure.
Take the biggest tech companies of today. When they were a startup, it was only after so many failures and troubles that the success story we read today was written.
A few days ago Apple became the world’s first $1 trillion company. Steve Jobs, the founder of this company, was fired from the company when the board of directors started having trouble with him. Imagine a person who started a company was fired from it. Is this a success or a failure? Then the same person was called again in that company and what happened next is history that everyone knows.
Success and failure are phases of life and one cannot succeed without failing, in my experience.
The summary is that if you want to be successful you must be willing to fail. If you want to be successful then you have to fail.
The answer is quite simple: Not luck, but it depends on your actions whether you will be successful or not. Be prepared to fail and success will follow in your footsteps.
There is no such thing as failure. Failure is the way to success. Keep going, it is forbidden to stop.

It’s all about Happiness, Freedom & Prosperity.